The Padua Educational Institutions is celebrating the Institutional Sports Week from 14th November to 18th November, 2022. The inauguration took place on 14th November at 3:00pm in Padua Ground. The President on this occasion was V. Rev. Fr Vincent Monteiro, Correspondent of Padua Educational Institutions, the Chief Guest was Mr Francis Maxim Moras, Traffic Warden, Karnataka Rajyostava Awardee and the Guest of Honour was Miss Shraddha S. Naik, Powerlifter, Weightlifter and Bodybuilder.
All the students of the institution, from the Primary upto the Degree College, marched enthusiastically highlighting different themes. After the march past, the inauguration of the Sports Week took place. The Correspondent hoisted the flag, the Principal of Padua College of Commerce and Management, welcomed the gathering. The Cheif Guest, Mr Francis Moras declared the Sports Meet open and inaugurated the sports week by releasing the balloons. After which the sports achievers of the institutions carried the torch around the ground before lighting the Olympic torch. All the class representatives came forward to take the Oath to abide by the rules and regulations with true spirit of sportsmanship, which was read by the Sports Secretary. On this special occasion, the Chief Guest - Mr Francis Moras and the Guest of Honour - Miss Shraddha S. Naik were felicitated for their service and achievements.









Padua College of Commerce and Management celebrated their Sports Day on the next day. All the students gathered on the Ground at 9:00 am after which various sports events took place. The students of all the classes actively took part in the sports events like 100, 200, 400, 800 metre race, shot put, discus throw, high jump, long jump, triple jump, 4x100 relay, 4x200 mixed relay and tug of war.

All the prizes of the events were distributed throughout the day. At the end of the day, the Vice Principal - Prof Roshan Santhumayor, thanked everyone for their active participation and all the hard work put into the grand success of the sports day.
During the Valedictory on 18th November, all the champions were awarded.


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