An anti-drug awareness inter-organisational walkathon was held on Monday, 25th September 2023, by the YRC, NSS and Sport Club of Padua College of Commerce and Management, along with CODP/Bandhavya, White Doves and Catholic Sabha Mangaluru Pradesh.

More than 600 youths took part in the event. The organisers along with the collaborators such as Roshni Nilaya School of Social work, St Agnes College took part in the 2-km walkathon.

The walkathon event, which was organised heeding to the call of Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, Bishop of Mangalore, started from Padua /CODP Campus Nanthoor and ended at Bendur Church campus.

The programme concluded with an awareness talk on NDPS Act by Karnataka Lokayuktha police Dakshina kannada SP C A Simon.

Dr Rohan spoke on the side effects of drugs. Fr Vincent Monteiro delivered the presidential address and he urged youths to be useful and powerful youngsters of the young India.

The programme was compered by Prof. Roshan, Vice Principal of Padua College of Commerce and Management. Fr Vincent D'Souza, director of CODP welcomed the gathering. Fr Arun Lobo, principal of the college proposed the vote of thanks.













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